When you work as a spokesperson for a cultural institution, you fight hard for the visibility of the announcements you submit to the media. It is very important that the local community in particular is always informed in a timely manner, and you are aware that there is less and less media space for cultural content. That is why I am very happy to have Zenicablog and my colleague Adnan Džonlić, whom I can always turn to in crisis situations and be sure that the news will be published as soon as possible and visible. I am really happy that Zenicablog is progressing and I am extremely glad that we have a great cooperation.

The cooperation and acquaintance of Adnan Džonlić and me has lasted since the beginnings of the AS Jelah company, about twenty years ago. It was much more than just a business relationship, because the cooperation was promoted without anyone’s interest, and with mutual benefit. In the meantime, through a quarter of a century of growth, development and new ventures, we have grown into a group of 16 companies, five thousand employees, hundreds of brands that we export to all continents. However, our relationship remained primarily friendly, and only then business. I am glad that we have not changed in this relationship, but that at the same time, AS Holding and brands under our cap on the one hand, as well as brands initiated and created by Adnan Džonlić, have had continuous growth and development. That is why we are glad that you are launching a new story called PRmedia and in that, as before, you will have the support of AS Holding and me personally.

In the past three years, we have been successfully cooperating with the Zenicablog portal. As we have seventeen stores in the area of Ze-Do Canton, while we have four in Zenica, it is very important for us to present ourselves to our customers in the right way. The correct relationship between the editorial staff and the team of the Zenicablog portal during all these years, the speed of reaction and publication, and accurate and fair reporting, produced more than a partnership, they produced friendship. We are honored to be a partner to a serious and fair medium such as Zenicablog.

In today’s time when it is not easy to find a medium that resists commercial and political pressures, Zenicablog deserves our trust and respect through independent, objective and professional journalism.
Zenicablog is a window into the present of Zenica in all social and cultural processes. The same processes that make a city a city.

If you are not in the media space, you should be invented …. We are grateful that you exist, that you follow and help our work. We want you to persevere and grow into a large regional media house, and we will strive to provide you with even more material for your loyal readers, viewers in the future ….

With great pleasure and confidence our recommendation is PRmedia and Zenicablog completely. We must praise the complete team that has been at our service for five years, extremely precise, up-to-date and dedicated to their work. We can simply say that we have received great support from this team over the years. The greatest credit for our success for complete advertising and marketing not only in Zenica, but in the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina goes to the side of this team. The team works very well on creating Google and complete SEO optimization for search engines, so our company is easy to find on the Internet today. Our business has grown and has been supported by this team from the very beginning. Marketing was done with this team in three of our stores, perfume and fragrance stores. We must say that they are the most favorable and one of the rivers that will provide you with significant marketing assistance for free.

Zenicablog is one of the first online news media in Bosnia and Herzegovina that has made a strong contribution to the promotion of Zenica and its culture and economy. I feel special pride for the long-term sustainability of this media and I wish the team of the PR media agency a lot of success in the continuation of their work.

We started cooperation with Zenicablog and Mr. Džonlić at the very beginning of my career in the film industry and the creation of Zenicablog as a media platform that is the most important in this part of the region. Their open and correct approach, let me call it “family approach to clients”, especially contributed to the organization of six editions of the Children’s Film Festival in Zenica, three editions of the Engaged Film Festival – UFOL and many years of work on Multiplex Ekran programming. titles and other content – events visited by more than half a million visitors during the decade of joint cooperation. After continuing to work in industry, but in the field of cinema distribution in the company Una Film, and taking over the representation of film titles studios Paramount, Universal, and numerous independent studios throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, we face the problem of how to promote events in an environment where most media do not he wants to do nothing “without money or for small budgets” no matter what the content is. Even the publication of basic service information of cultural institutions and cinemas of our partners often encounter weak media houses and especially web portals. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, there is less and less space on a “fair” basis that follows content from the world of film, and especially titles from low-budget independent productions that we can later follow at the awards ceremony. In addition to the classic commercial “marketing deal”, there are events and announcements that do not serve to present themselves to the public only through paid advertising, but also to bring current events in our country and in the world from the domain of the seventh art in local communities and regions. There are always news about Hollywood blockbusters that are not paid advertisements, but they are interesting enough to animate more people to visit cinemas instead of spending their free time on the street, but also to raise the readership of the portal from exclusive news, black chronicles, etc. due to the above, Zenicablog’s business and professional approach, which is broad-minded and “socially engaged”, is the reason why it is one of the permanent partners of UNA FILM.

We have been working and using the services of the Zenicablog portal for a long time, which professionally, accurately and to the mutual satisfaction always wants to help its users in providing any help in the field of information.

Cooperation with Zenicablog has never been forced, which makes it pleasant and businesslike. An honest relationship between people, partners, friends, family members, etc. is the only thing that can function to mutual satisfaction. Such is our relationship with Adnan and Zenicablog, businesslike, honest and respectful.

I would like to thank you in two roles, the first on behalf of Radio Club Zenica, radio amateurs from Zenica for following our work so far and long-term cooperation. You have contributed a lot to the promotion of our hobby in Zenica and beyond. We hope for future cooperation.
Also, it was a great honor to work with you over the past 10 years and during the partnership in the field of music, cultural promotion and events for young people and all citizens of Zenica.

It is not enough for us to express in a few sentences all the satisfaction and more than friendly cooperation with our dear Zenicablog, which lasts over 10 years. ZB, as sometimes our only media support, is responsible for the successful implementation of all our socially useful and business projects. Never saving our space at the expense of the professional transmission of complete information, we believe that this portal deserves special respect for the attitude towards public opinion. All the more so because by resisting bad trends, it manages to maintain the level of quality of media culture as the best way to promote the urban face of our city and thus keep us together all these years

Development agencies, as operational bodies that identify sectoral or overall development problems, choosing methodologies for solving them and promoting projects, are extremely important instruments of support to local and regional authorities. We were founded by the City of Zenica in 2004 with the aim of economic development, helping the development of SMEs and creating a favorable environment that leads to the overall development of the community or region. New projects are the basis for the development of every city, and the ZEDA Agency has a significant role in the implementation of development projects of the City of Zenica.
We are proud to have started the cooperation with Zenicablog from the very founding of this media, which has been going on all these years. The support of local media is of great importance for activities like ours, and we are happy to have excellent cooperation with Mr. Adnan Džonlić and the team of Zenicablog, and we will certainly continue to do so in the future. Professional staff, timely information, excellent attendance, friendliness and ultimately, a team that keeps up with the times, are just some of the benefits that those who have the opportunity to work with this medium have. We as the ZEDA Agency are proud to have such a medium in the city and we know that all the information published on www.zenicablog.com will reach a large number of recipients and target groups as soon as possible. In the end, many thanks to Zenicablog and the team for being objective, professional all these years, for supporting us and for not having an important event that we organized without your support. Thank you so much and keep going!

Zenicablog allows us much greater daily visibility and direct contact with our customers in the target market. It is an excellent communication channel even when it is in the right hands! The result is our many years of cooperation because PERO and Zenicablog have been cooperating since 2014.

Expertise, professionalism, constant improvement and verified information are just a small part of the puzzle behind one of the most recognizable electronic media. Through many years of cooperation in the field of promotion and placement of culture in the lives of our fellow citizens, it is a great honor for me to cooperate with this truly valued electronic medium. Timely, concise and professional reporting and transmission of information to readers is a recommendation for everyone to put Zenicablog at the very top of their list of partners and associates. Guided by positive experiences through cooperation in the field of culture, it is important to point out that Zenicablog as a medium with its commitment constantly contributes to the development of the cultural scene, diligently and dedicatedly contributes that true values have the place they deserve

All praise for professionalism and dedication to their work. Always accurate, in the right place at the right time. All praise for Mr. Džonlić, his team and good luck in further work!